All images are copyright Barbara Conter/Forever After Romance Designs LLC. By purchasing a license, you are purchasing the right to use a specific image from our collection.
Forever After Romance Designs Image licenses are intended only for Freelance Graphic Artists, Small Publishing Houses and Independent Authors.
This Agreement grants you a limited right to use the Licensed Image with limitations listed within the specific license purchased, and below. You do not own any rights in copyright to the Licensed Image or have any other rights that are not expressly granted under this Agreement.
If you want to make another cover with the same image (in whole or in part), you need to purchase another license. Images may only be used in book-related artwork (Cover Art) and book-related promotional materials.
Images may be used in combination with other stock images and can be modified for the creation of the book cover. Images may not – at any time - be used to create Hardcore Erotica Covers, or in a pornographic, defamatory, or otherwise unlawful manner.
Upon paying the License Fee, you are indicating your acceptance of this Agreement. You will be granted a one-time, non-exclusive (unless exclusive licensing is purchased), non-transferable, non-sublicensable, worldwide right to use the Licensed Image for the purpose of creating artwork to be used for one book cover/title. Note: An Independent author may license an image and hire an artist to create the final cover. If you do so, please be sure to share these terms and license information with the artist for reference.
Image Licenses also cover matching allowable media for that specific book only - based on which license is purchased (please refer to the individual licenses).
Forever After Romance Designs makes no other warranties, express or implied, regarding the Licensed Image, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Forever After Romance Designs expressly disclaims any such warranties and expressly licenses the Licensed Image "as is".
Forever After Romance Designs shall not be liable for any damages, costs, or losses arising out of or as a result of modifications made to the Licensed Image or as a result of the context in which the Licensed Image is used in a work.
If you use the Licensed Image in a manner other than that which is expressly authorized under the specific License purchased and this Agreement, such use amounts to copyright infringement and entitles Forever After Romance Designs or its licensors to enforce all rights available to it under U.S. and international copyright laws. Forever After Romance Designs reserves the right to charge and you agree to pay a fee equal to up to five (5) times the original License Fee for any unauthorized use of the Licensed Image.
In the event that Forever After Romance Designs has a reasonable basis to believe that you are using the Licensed Image in a manner other than that which is expressly authorized under this Agreement, we may immediately revoke the license granted under this Agreement, and you agree to (1) stop using the Licensed Image, and (2) destroy or order destruction of any copies of the Licensed Image including as incorporated into a secondary work. This provision does not limit Forever After Romance Designs rights to recover damages from you including in the form of indemnification.
You agree to be liable for any failure to comply with the terms of this Agreement and/or any failure by your agent(s) to comply with the terms of this Agreement.
Forever Romance Designs LLC reserves the right to amend the terms of this Agreement at any time without advance notice to you.